API V6 Documentation

A comprehensive documentation of the Browser.lol V6 API for creating and managing workspaces

Published at 22.05.2024

The API makes it possible to start a session with certain parameters directly without the user having to start it manually. The required end points and their parameters are listed below. The API is designed to be as simple as possible and can be used by any programming language.

GET app.browser.lol/api/v6/getKey

Response Body on Success:

The request must always be made on the server side and the API key must be kept secret.

This endpoint can be used to retrieve a session key which can then be used to start a session on the client. The number of requests to this endpoint is unlimited. Once a key has been created, it is valid for 2 hours. A session is only added to the quota when it is started in the next step.

Request Parameters:
  • key: The API key assigned to your organization.

GET Deprecated app.browser.lol/api/v6/getUsage

Response Body on Success:

The request must always be made on the server side and the API key must be kept secret.

As all quota data is also displayed in the getKey endpoint since the API V6 update, this endpoint is no longer required. We recommend using the endpoint above /api/v6/getKey for the quota query instead.

Request Parameters:
  • key: The API key assigned to your organization.

Possible Errors app.browser.lol/api/v6/*

All errors that could occur are listed below.
Wrong Credentials:{"success":false,"message":"auth-failed"}Request Parameters:{"success":false,"message":"quota-exceeded","quota":100,"count":100,"remaining":100}Serverside Error:{"success":false,"message":"srv-error"}

GET app.browser.lol/b

Called directly from the client browser.

This endpoint can be started directly on the client with all the necessary parameters. After calling the URL in the client's browser, the process of creating the browser is displayed. As soon as this has been created, the session is automatically redirected.

Attention: If this URL is called and an old session is still active on the client, it is deleted and a new one is automatically started.

Request Parameters:
  • key: The key that was generated with the /getKey endpoint.
  • browser: A browser in which the session is subsequently opened. The following browsers are currently available: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Tor, Brave, Opera. If this parameter is not specified, Chrome is used by default.
  • url: The url to be opened in the virtual browser.
  • callbackUrl: If a URL is specified, the user is redirected to it after the session has been ended manually. If none is specified, the application itself is referred to by default.


Depending on whether and how much the limit has already been exceeded in previous months, we allow bursts up to a certain level (1% to 20% above the limit). As soon as this limit is reached, an error is displayed at the endpoint /getKey (see error list). Keys that were generated before are still valid until they expire.

The quota is reset based on the last 30 days of usage. This means that the quota is dynamically adjusted each day to include the usage from the past 30 days. For example, if 50 sessions were opened on January 2nd, and 30 sessions were opened on January 20th, then as of February 10th, the quota would only count the sessions that have occurred since January 11th. Sessions prior to this date, like those on January 2nd, would no longer be included in the calculation as they fall outside of the 30-day window. This rolling window moves forward each day, continuously updating to include only the most recent 30 days of activity.

All domains that belong to the Browser.lol network are supported. This means that either the main domain app.browser.lol or any other server domain (e.g. zpb1.srv.browser.lol) can be used. Please note, however, that the servers change from time to time and a server url may suddenly stop working. app.browser.lol, on the other hand, will remain available.

In order to constantly develop ourselves further, we work with different systems that have alternating IP addresses. If the service is blocked at your end and you need an IP address for whitelisting, contact us for a dedicated proxy. All requests from the above endpoints can then be routed via this proxy.
30 min read
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